Red Staging Area Instructions for Parade Participants
The RED Staging Area is designated for all vehicular traffic that will be appearing in the parade: i.e. cars, trucks, motorcycles, military vehicles etc. Red Staging is located on North Center Street from 9th Place extending South to University Drive. Please plan to enter the Red Staging Area from the intersection of North Center Street and Brown Road. This location can be easily accessed from Highway 202 on the north and Highway 60 on the south, as well as many local roads. If you are not familiar with the area, please check local area maps and plan your route accordingly.
From Center Street and Brown Road, travel south for about 1/8 mile using the middle/left lanes of Center Street. Please do not use the far right, southbound lane of Center Street, as that is for non-parade, through traffic only. As you near the Red Entry Checkpoint watch for and follow EVVP staff for instructions. At the checkpoint you will need to present your Driver’s License and Proof of Insurance. An EVVP staff member will ask for your entry number to check you in with the Red Staging Registration check-in booth.
You will be scheduled to arrive at staging sometime between 8:30am and 10:00am, depending on your entry number. If your group has multiple units, it is strongly suggested that you meet at an off-site location of your choice to gather your group together before entering the staging area. Only vehicles appearing in the parade will be allowed to enter the Red Staging area. If you are arriving in a vehicle that will not be in the parade, please see the BLUE Staging instructions, where you can be dropped off to walk to your entry in Red Staging.
After stopping at the Checkpoint, proceed forward as directed by EVVP Staff wearing Red event staff shirts. Staff will direct you to your assigned staging location. Please remain in your staging location until directed regarding your start in the parade.