There are four (4) standing committees currently. They consist of Parade, Public relations, Fundraising, and Volunteer/elections. Each standing committee has its individual tasks relating to the production of the East Valley Veterans Parade as follows;

PARADE COMMITTEE – is the primary committee. All other committees support the Parade Committee in producing the parade. Every member and associate member can be considered as an intricate member. The Chairperson(s) are responsible the the President and the Executive Board.

PUBLIC RELATIONS COMMITTEE – is the public face of the EVVPA. Members are expected to promote the EVVPA in the east Valley. Several means of promoting are Social Media, Web, Events, Chamber of Commerce ( Evaluation is being done in 2016) visiting businesses, promoting within Military organizations ( VFW, American Legion etc.) and non profits that support our goals.

DEVELOPMENTCOMMITTEE – responsible for obtaining all funding for the operation of the parade. This committee solicits donations and sponsor ships.  the goal of this committee is to have a continuing value of at least the expense value of at least two (2) parade cycles.

VOLUNTEER COMMITTEE – has the responsibility of insuring we have members and parade day volunteers.


There are additional committees and/or subcommittees designated as needed. Need is determined by the circumstances of the time and requirements of current conditions pertaining to the parade.

BYLAWS COMMITTEE –  reviews the Bylaws annually and determine if a change is required based on the current needs of the organization. The Committee Chairperson reports to the Executive board at the March meeting if a revision is required. If there are no changes that report is announced during the May Executive and General Meetings. If a revision is required the Committee has approximately two (2) Months to complete the changes and submit those changes to the Executive Board for approval at the Amy Meeting.

ELECTIONS COMMITTEE – meets in December to establish the nominations for elected offices, President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Trustee positions that have reached term or Trustee positions that were filled on a temporary basis. the Five (5) Trustees are nominated for 3 year staggered terms and the officers are elected for annual terms. All officers can be reelected without term limits.

DECORATIONS COMMITTEE – is responsible for obtaining all parade day decorations at a reasonable cost.

EVENTS COMMITTEE – is a sub-committee of the Public Relations Committee. They have the responsibility to find and register the EVVPA at events that will promote the Parade throughout the year. they work closely with the Volunteer Committee to provide staff for the events.

DIGINTARIES COMMITTEE – is a sub-committee of the Public Relations Committee. They have the responsibility to find and determine the Marshals for the parade as follows:

Grand Marshal – Can be from any branch of the American Armed Forces. Figurehead for the parade and major identify of the current parade.

Army Marshal – Must be Army. Regular Army preferred, but may also be National Guard. Army Air Corps before the establishment of the Air Force is also a good candidate.

Navy Marshal – U.S. Navy enlisted or Officer. Can be Regular or Reserve.

Marine Corps – Marine Corp enlisted or Officer. Can be Regular or Reserve.

Air Force – Air Force  enlisted or Officer. Can be Regular or Reserve.

Coast Guard – Coast Guard enlisted or Officer. Can be Regular or Reserve.

Merchant Marine – This is the only civilian position. They manned the ships that supplied WW II. The merchant marine lost many ships to German Subs.