Blue Staging Area Instructions for Parade Participants
BLUE Staging Arrival Times
- Entries 1 thru 50: Arrive between 9:15 and 9:45
- Entries 51 thru 110: Arrive between 9:45 and 10:15
- JROTC Fallen Soldier Memorial: Arrive between 9:00 and 9:30, or as directed by your leaders
The BLUE Staging Area is designated for entries that are on foot: i.e. marching units, scouts, dance groups, JROTC units, veteran support groups, etc. The Blue Staging area is accessed at 8th Street and Mesa Drive from either the North or South. All Blue Staging designated entries will turn off Mesa Drive and head West on 8th Street (toward Center). The Drop off area is at the parking lot on the south side of 8th Street. All vehicles will enter the parking lot from the west side of the parking area, drop off their participants, and then return (east) to Mesa Drive. THERE IS NO PARKING IN THE DROPOFF AREA.
You will be scheduled to arrive at staging sometime between 8:30am and 10:00am, depending on your entry number. If your group has multiple units, it is strongly suggested that you meet at an off-site location of your choice to gather your group together before entering the staging area. This will greatly simplify your staging process and work well for both you and the EVVP Staff.
Upon arrival, at least one member of your entry/group should proceed to the Registration check-in booth to let us know you are present. The booth will be located just West of the drop-off area. EVVP Staff wearing Red event staff shirts will direct you to your staging location. Please keep moving forward until you reach your assigned staging location. Remain in your staging location until directed to merge and join the parade.
Bands will receive directions prior to arrival from their school Music Directors.
All JROTC units that are participating as banner carriers for the Arizona Fallen Soldiers Memorial will be directed to the banner assembly area at the Registration check-in booth.