When is the East Valley Veterans Parade?2025-03-18T21:44:47-07:00

The date for the East Valley Veterans Parade is Veterans Day, November 11, 2025.

What Time is The Parade?2019-11-04T16:16:37-07:00

The Parade starts at 11 a.m. It lasts approximately 1.5 hrs.

Who produces the East Valley Veterans Parade?2018-04-30T10:08:18-07:00

The East Valley Veterans Parade Association, an all-volunteer 501c3 nonprofit organization, has been commissioned in Arizona for the purpose of producing a Veterans Parade. The association acquires sponsorships, raises funds and produces the Parade. Donations to East Valley Veterans Parade Association are tax‐deductible. For more information contact the EVVPA at 480-684-2324 Ext 3

Where is the Parade?2021-06-05T14:37:52-07:00

The East Valley Veterans Parade starts on Center St. and University Dr. in Mesa and runs South on Center St. to 1st St. It then turns west onto 1st St. and continues to Robson.   View Map

I am entered in the parade, where can I park?2023-11-10T09:55:21-07:00

The East Valley Veterans Parade Association (EVVPA ) does not reserve any parking for entrants. All parking is what is normally available to the public. There are a number of public parking lots and parking garages near or on the Parade route located on Pepper Place and on Centennial Way, in addition to general parking south of 1st Street.

The Light Rail has extended to Mesa Drive and Main Street. Parking is available at the Mesa Drive station. You can park and ride the Light Rail to Center (east of the end of the Parade) or to Country Club Station (west of the end of the parade) and walk 2 blocks north to 1st Street where the Parade route extends. The Parade begins at Center Street and University Drive. Click here for location of Light Rail Service.

You can find the Parking Map HERE.

I want to attend the parade and use a ride-share service to get there. Where is the best place to be dropped off?2023-08-22T19:07:00-07:00

If you are using a ride-share service such as Uber or Lyft, there are different locations where you can be dropped off based on whether you are a spectator or a participant.

For spectators, the drop-off locations are: Main Library at 64 E. 1st Street and Public Parking Lot @ 27 N. McDonald

For participants, the drop-off location is: Eisenhower School @ 848 N. Mesa Drive

Please refer to the parking information page for more information.


I want to attend the Parade. Where is the best place to watch?2018-04-30T10:07:22-07:00

The East Valley Veterans Parade starts on Center St. and University Dr. in Mesa and runs South on Center St. to 1st St. It then turns west onto 1st St. and continues to Robson.

Any location along the route offers great viewing. Bleachers are located on the West  side of Center St, on 2nd St. (across from the Mesa Convention Center entrance), and on 1st St. at MacDonald on the South side of 1st St. across from the Grandstand.   View Map

I am handicapped. Where can I park? Is there a handicapped area to watch the Parade?2023-11-10T09:55:53-07:00

EVVPA does not reserve, assign or recommend parking. Each bleacher offers a handicapped area that is available until 30 minutes prior to the Parade. Additionally, there are many parking lots in downtown Mesa along or near the Parade route with handicapped parking available. If you need assistance, please contact an on‐site staff member in an orange or yellow safety vest. View Map

What is the cost to enter the Parade?2018-04-30T10:08:42-07:00

Entry is free, as is watching the Parade. We request donations to support the Parade from entrants. Donors can be sponsors at several levels. The Sponsor page has all the sponsor information. If you prefer to make a monetary donation, you can Donate here. For more information contact the EVVPA at 480-684-2324 Ext 3

How do I enter?2024-06-07T15:48:18-07:00

The fastest most direct way is to complete the online application. It takes about 5 minutes. The information goes directly to the Parade volunteer staff for processing.

Please note that the application period closes each year on October 22nd. Therefore we recommend you apply as early as possible to ensure entry into this Parade which is limited to 115 units.

For more information, contact the EVVPA at 480-684-2324 Ext 1. Please leave your name, contact phone number, and an appropriate message and a staff member will contact you. We try to reply to complete and valid messages within 48 hours.

Do I have to apply online?2016-09-05T08:37:38-07:00

Yes. Applications to participate must be completed online. For more information contact the EVVPA at 480-684-2324 Ext 0 (zero).

Is there a limit to the number of entries?2018-04-30T10:09:10-07:00

Yes; the parade is cutoff at 115 units in he parade. Motor cycle groups are limited to 3 as are dance groups. If there are excessive numbers of entry requests in a restricted category the earliest dated requests are given preference in that category. Example: there are 3 parade positions available for motorcycle groups. If there are 6 such applications, the applications with the 3 earliest dates are accepted. Previous conduct is also a factor.

What are the Parade entry categories?2018-04-30T10:09:32-07:00

Bands: Usually High School or any other organized marching bands.

Boy Scouts: Boy specific organizations if all ages including the Trail Scouts. Competent leaders must accompany all youth organizations.

Cars, pickup trucks: Decorated as a float or not. a car equals about 20 feet and a pickup equals about 30 feet for staging purposes.

Color Guard: any unit that provided represents the Ensign along with other service flags including Arizona.

Commercial: A for profit enterprise. Since this is an advertisement opportunity we would like to see commercial entries donate to the operation of the parade.

Equestrian & Animal: all animal entries must provide cleanup for their entry. Courtesy prevails.

Float: Any decorated moving vehicle in the parade. Self propelled units are considered to be 40 Feet and towed are considered to be at least 75 feet. The prime consideration is spacing for the units in staging and the turn radius at the Center St & 2nd St Curve.

Girls Scouts: Girl specific organizations of all ages. Competent leaders must accompany all youth organizations.

Military Organization: Military specific organizations. EXAMPLES: American legion, VFW, Vietnam Vets, Navy League etc.

Military Unit: Any military specific unit other than ROTC or JROTC ( not school sanctioned). EXAMPLE: USNS, USNCS, Young Marines etc.

Musical: Any band or musical group that is not a school marching unit. EXAMPLE: Dance groups, Electronic produced music. NOTE: All units, including motorcycles, are spaced to minimize noise pollution of other entries. This is also a reason for the number of entry limitation.

Motorcycles: Motorcycles are considered to be 15 feet and 3 wide for staging purposes. Along the route they can be either 2 or 3 wide as long as the entire group does not exceed 80 to 90 feet.

Patriotic: American specific or 4th of July type themed entry

ROTC & JROTC: High School & college Military organizations. These units either carry the ‘Arizona Fallen Memorial Banners’ or march as individual units.

Youth: Any children’s group that is not affiliated with the trails or Scouts. EXAMPLE: Boys & Girls club. 

Other : Not categorized as listed above

Awards are presented for many of these categories; special awards are also presented from the Grand Marshal, Judges and EVVPA President.

When can I turn in my application and be accepted?2023-10-25T07:47:37-07:00

Applications for Parade participation are received throughout the year. It is important to note that the Parade participation review process begins on September 1. Applications are factored on a first-come basis, so you are encouraged to submit your applications early. Applications through 10/22 will be considered, but again the earlier the better to ensure entry into this Parade which is limited to 115 units. For more information contact the EVVPA at 480-684-2324 Ext 1.

When will I know my application has been accepted?2018-04-30T10:09:55-07:00

We email the prime contact on the application that their application has been received. If that email fails, then the secondary contact is emailed. All applications are reviewed for completeness and errors. When the review is complete, the application is prepared and entrants will be notified of their status in September or October.

If you have submitted an entry and you have not received any information, or if you need to make a change to your application, after September 1st please contact the parade Chair(s) at 480-684-2324 Ext 1 or email us at [email protected].

Where do I go to line up for the start of the Parade?2018-04-30T10:10:11-07:00

When you receive your acceptance email, it will identify your staging area. Click on your assigned Staging area (below) for more information.

Red Staging – Vehicles

Blue Staging – Marchers

Brown Staging –Animals

The purple area is designated as the Destaging area.


What time do I have to be in position for the Parade start?2018-04-30T10:10:29-07:00

No later than 9:45 a.m. Staff will begin positioning entrants starting at 8 a.m. Red staging area entries need to position earliest, as each vehicle needs to be checked for drivers license registration and title. All vehicles must be ‘road worthy’ unless they are identified as ‘Parade only’ and registered as such prior to the Parade.

Do I have to have a driver’s license to drive in the Parade?2018-04-30T10:11:27-07:00

Every driver must show their license at the registration area. All drivers’ licenses will be checked at the entry points of the staging areas.

What is the maximum number of people I can have in my entry?2018-04-30T10:11:44-07:00

There is no limit, within reason as determined by Parade officials. One exception is motorcycles, which are limited to 50 cyclists per entry and a maximum of 3 entries in this category.

Can I have a vehicle and marchers?2018-04-30T10:12:03-07:00

Yes. We need to work with you in staging your unit entry prior to Parade date.

Do I have to have a float?2025-03-18T21:48:09-07:00

No, but a decorated float adds visual appeal to the parade. All entries, except high school bands, are eligible to be judged. Your entry needs to be Veteran/Patriotic themed, keeping in mind our mission to honor, thank, and celebrate local Veterans, active Military, and their families. The 2025 parade theme has not been announced yet, but when it is, entries that incorporate that theme will score higher in some judging categories.

Is there a prize/award for being in the Parade?2018-04-30T10:12:39-07:00

The Parade awards prizes in several categories. The Parade judges grade each eligible entry on a scale of 1 to 5 in three (3) different judging elements. The results are determined by the total score received. The top entry in each category receives an award plaque.

I am entered in the Parade, where can I park?2016-12-14T10:18:15-07:00

The East Valley Veterans Parade Association (EVVPA ) does not reserve any parking for entrants. All parking is what is normally available to the public. There are a number of public parking lots and parking garages near or on the Parade route located on Pepper Place and on Centennial Way, in addition to general parking south of 1st Street.

The Light Rail has extended to Mesa Drive and Main Street. Parking is available at the Mesa Drive station. You can park and ride the Light Rail to Center (east of the end of the Parade) or to Country Club Station (west of the end of the parade) and walk 2 blocks north to 1st Street where the Parade route extends. The Parade begins at Center Street and University Drive. Click here for location of Light Rail Service.


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