Each entry is judged by a panel of 5 judges. The judges are selected from East Valley Veterans Parade Association members, our sponsors, the East Valley Veterans Community, and distinguished business leaders.
Judging is in 4 distinct categories: Theme, Patriotism, Execution and WOW.
The totals from each judge are tallied added together and applied to each category based on the entry information. Winners are selected by the best score numeric totals in each category. In the case of a tie, the comments determine the tie breaker. All entries are judged except High School bands due to school restrictions.
Here are the 2017 East Valley Veterans Parade winners:
The Patriot is a new entry. They handed out mini constitutions to the crowd. This along with the patriotic theme won the judges.

960 The Patriot
BEST GIRL SCOUT: Arizona Cactus Pine Girl Scout Council – Mesa Neighborhood
This unit is a perennial favorite. They have been entering the East Valley Veterans Parade for many Years. The Parade Association is proud to have them as an entry for so many years. Congratulations!

Arizona Cactus Pine Girl Scout Council – Mesa Neighborhood
YOUTH AWARD: Arizona Cactus Pine Girl Scout Council – Mesa Neighborhood
They are one of the largest Girl Scout Council’s in Arizona. It is a pleasure to see so many young girls participating in a patriotic event. Thank you, ladies.

Arizona Cactus Pine Girl Scout Council – Mesa Neighborhood
ANIMAL AWARD: Buffalo Soldiers of the Arizona Territory – Ladies and Gentlemen of the Regiment
The Buffalo Soldiers are an Arizona certified historically accurate organization. They perform throughout Arizona informing Arizonans of the strong heritage of the African American in this State. This unit is historical a winner in multiple categories.

Buffalo Soldiers of the Arizona Territory – Ladies and Gentlemen of the Regiment
BEST BOY SCOUT AWARD: Cub Scout pack Mesa Stake
Mesa Stake is in its second year with this parade. Congratulations on your win. The EVVPA appreciates you as an entry.

Cub Scout pack Mesa Stake
MILITARY AWARD: Buffalo Soldiers of the Arizona Territory – Ladies and Gentlemen of the Regiment
The Buffalo Soldiers are an Arizona certified historically accurate organization. They perform throughout Arizona informing Arizonans of the strong heritage of the African American in this State. This unit is historical a winner in multiple categories.

Buffalo Soldiers of the Arizona Territory – Ladies and Gentlemen of the Regiment
The Honor Guard Award was won because these 4 JROTC Units are the standard bearers for our Arizona Fallen Memorial. The East Valley Veterans Parade is the only time this Memorial is not static. We appreciate the JROTC Units and The Arizona’s Fallen Soldier Memorial for presenting this memorial to our fallen heroes.

Honor Guard Dobson AF JROTC

Honor Guard Hamilton HS JROTC

Honor Guard Mesa JROTC

Honor Guard Westwood JROTC
Precision Dance has entered in the East Valley Veteran Parade for years. Congratulations on your first win!

Best Musical Award: Precision Dance
BEST FLOAT AWARD: East Valley Institute of Technology (EVIT)
First Time entry. EVIT, and the city of Mesa Public Relations Department worked together to make this entry happen. Just weeks before the parade a suggestion was made to have our new citizens be honored in the Veterans Day Parade.
EVIT took the challenge and provided our new citizens a beautiful platform to celebrate their new country on one of the most patriotic days of the year. These new citizens proved they were ready to receive their citizenship, in part, through their service to the United States of America. Thank you four service and we are proud of all of you.

East Valley Institute of Technology (EVIT)
JUDGES AWARD: Buffalo Soldiers of the Arizona Territory – Ladies and Gentlemen of the Regiment
The Buffalo Soldiers are an Arizona certified historically accurate organization. They perform throughout Arizona informing Arizonans of the strong heritage of the African American in this State. This unit is historical a winner in multiple categories.

Buffalo Soldiers of the Arizona Territory – Ladies and Gentlemen of the Regiment
PRESIDENT’S AWARD: Riderless Horse
Lee Anderson wearing a WW-I uniform furnished by ‘History by George’. Concho is wearing an authentic saddle and bridle restored to exact WW I Military specifications. The blanket is also an exact replica based on those same specifications.

Riderless Horse
GRAND MARSHAL’S AWARD: Buffalo Soldiers of the Arizona Territory – Ladies and Gentlemen of the Regiment
Historically the families traveled with the military units in the era of the Buffalo soldier. All the clothing is authentic to the era. This entry was chosen by the 2016 Grand Marshall (John Borden) for the authenticity of the entry and their overall professional presentation.