05 May Board Minutes


The regular Scheduled Board of Directors (BOD) meeting of the East Valley Veterans Parade Association was called to order at 5:28 PM on May 09, 2016 in The United Food Bank Conference Room by President Sid Hagel.

Member status

Position Member Yes No Position Member Yes No
President “Sid” G.E. Hagel X Trustee Sylvia Richards X
Vice President Melissa Forrester X Trustee Paul Edwards E
Treasurer Lisa Sandoval X Trustee Janice Shaproski A
Secretary Erin Sulzer X Trustee Bob Burns X
Guest Theresa Carmichael Trustee Michael Thelen A
A Quorum is 5 E Board Members Present 6 Absent 3 Vacant 0

Approval of Minutes

Motion to approve the minutes for the April 11th BOD Meeting.

Minutes are unanimously approved.

New Business

EVVPA now owns the website.  The total expense, $9,375.00.

Bob Burns inquired who has access to the website.  Sid responded he has access and others will be responsible for their own sections.

Sid has 500 trifolds for Sylvia.  The remaining trifolds will be released closer to the parade.  The trifolds will include a list with the sponsors.


Agenda for General Meeting: approved


Call meeting to order – President


Secretary’s Report – Minutes


Treasurer’s Report – The report was reviewed.  Bob questioned the totals reported and requested to see more details on the budget before authorizing the current totals.  Theresa suggested working with Lisa on last year’s parade expenses.  The discussion on the budget will continue until the next meeting.


Sylvia has not called Port-O-Pots.


Parade Update: Lisa mention Paul’s updates since he could not attend the meeting. Lisa forward the email of Paul’s notes to Erin.


Paul’s Notes:


Mesa schools to supply 4 bands

Gary has a song request list, will submit to schools in Aug

EVVP will provide Parade Passes for equipment trucks (To drop off/pass thru to de-staging)

Gary has created a map for the Busses/Equipment truck route that we can then put onto the website

EVVP will email the parade’s sub-themes to Gary for band planning

Bands will register by Sept

Set-up for “Fallen Heroes” entry

Westwood HS will be the band

Will have a Rider-less Horse to follow band (Lee Anderson)

Need to obtain 1) boots for horse, uniform of period (WWI) for Lee

Need contact info for the following:

Gilbert Schools HS Band Director           Chandler Schools HS Band Director


Have made contact a will meet soon with Mong Ward (City of Mesa) (Mon or Thurs) and Jorge (Roadsafe) to submit barricade plans (one minor change)


Themes for Parade?

Lisa and I will create a volunteer list for Sylvia, Janice

College Bound will furnish the garrison flag We have the Antique Fire truck

Need to reserve the swat vehicle (we meeting with Mesa Police/Shaun)

Table and Chairs (Kathy Pearce or VFW?)

Need to make contact for Parade Dawgs (Stephen Heyer 602-653-9703?) Candy Bomber has been contacted requesting him for Grand Marshall; Wayne Pomeroy accepted to be a dignitary for the parade; Vince DiBella to be contacted.

Need to meet with Steve Wright to discuss this year’s parade needs (items include: Wilkes University Center parking?, PIO audio systems, PSA videos, Mesa Hero’s Welcome, Main stage set-up, Kevin Christopher announcer, Room 170, letter of closure)

A-frames (at VFW)


Need to get an auto-response for Entrant Applications submitted

Need to have a Volunteer form for Volunteers to fill out online


Lisa and I considered using magnets instead of brochures-concluded too costly, and brochures are in kind donation from Balantone Press



New Memberships: 


By Laws: Bob Burns


The Bylaws ready to be sent out.  The pages were reduced from 17 to 9.

Article 7, Bob wants to make changes to the verbiage regarding compensation.  This will be discussed in the General Meeting.


Chamber of Commerce: Sid and Melissa review of the month and asked for members to attend function. Mesa Chamber web is at the footer of our web.



BOD Meeting was adjourned at 6:00 PM by President Sid Hagel. The next Board of Directors meeting will be at 5:15 PM on June 13, 2016, in The United Food Bank Conference Room.

Minutes submitted by:

05 May 2016 General Meeting

East Valley Veterans Parade Association

General Meeting Minutes

May 09, 2016


Member status

Position Member Yes No Position Member Yes No
President “Sid” G.E. Hagel X Member James Monroe E
Vice President Melissa Forrester X Member Joan Monroe E
Treasurer Lisa Sandoval X Member Jhennicea Morrow X
Secretary Erin Sulzer X Member Kathy Pierce
Trustee Janice Shaproski X Member Gerry Paulus
Trustee Paul Edwards X Member John Shaproski X
Trustee Michael Thelen E Member Marylou Thelen
Trustee Bob Burns X Member
Trustee Sylvia Edwards X Member
Member Ester Alger E Associate Liz Paulus
Member Theresa Carmichael X Associate Tom Verplogen
Member Dianne Hagel X Associate
Member Morgan Hagel X Associate
Member Bob Laubinger Associate
Member Fred Marable Associate
Member Michelle London-Marable Associate
A Quorum is 9 Present 10 8 0

President called the meeting to order at 6:05 PM

President recognized no guests.

President’s comments:

Sid past out EVVPA business card to each member, present, to write down their name and phone number.

Secretary Report:  April 11th Meeting Minutes were emailed to Offices and Members.

Treasurer Report:  Checks were cleared. Current Balance $27,715.65.  Theresa mention she will be asking for more money from Downtown Mesa Association (DMA).  Sid also mention the Vonage bill will be increasing in July.  He is inquiring about services with Grasshopper, same price with less restrictions.

Web Site Report: Sid mention maps will be posted, no changes to the parade route.

Memberships: Sylvia mention New Member applications will be online after Bylaws meeting.

Teamworks: Theresa had contract, it lists the involvement. Ex: Website.  She will email Erin the 2016 Sponsor Levels.  Tom will work with Teamworks on the media aspect, the number of media ads.  Barbara mention she has contacts with radio stations.  She will further discuss this with Theresa.

Parade:  Sid will be talking to the City of Mesa regarding the staging areas.  Theresa mention former Mesa Mayor, Wayne Pomeroy as possible Dignitary.  Both Sid and Theresa discussed dignitaries and one Grand Marshall.  Jhennicea mentioned she was meeting with Senator John McCain and will mention the parade.  Bob Burns advised no politician participation.  Everyone agreed, if John McCain, agrees to participate he will be addressed as a Vietnam Veteran, not as Senator. Sid also discussed an idea Lisa presented to him regarding the Parade Banners.  A select group of volunteers to carry them and it was suggested students from Mesa Community College.

Meetings:  June meeting will be the last for the summer.  The Parade Committee will continue to meet.

BOD Meeting: Sid reviewed what was discussed in the meeting.

Upcoming Events: EVVPA is not participating in any Memorial Day events.  Theresa mention possibly participating in Stand Down the weekend after the parade.

By Laws Committee: Will be posted on email.  Erin will email them, will be discussed at next General Meeting.

Social Media: Theresa and Erin discussed reaching out to media followers.  Erin will send a list to Theresa of Twitter followers.  It was also mentioned, Tom and Theresa will be on Mesa Morning Live on September 9th.

Mesa Community College: Melissa met with Sally Harrison.  She wants to be more involved with Veterans and is requesting Senator John McCain to participate in the parade. They also discussed student/volunteer involvement during the parade.

Adjourned: Motion by Bob and Second by Sylvia. Meeting ends at 7:00 PM

Meeting Time: 6:05 PM – 7:00 PM




The next meeting will be at 6:00 PM on June 13, 2016, in The United Food Bank Conference Room.

Please bring canned/non-perishable food item for The United Food Bank.


Minutes submitted by:

Secretary Erin Sulzer

Once approved they will go onto the web.