
December 2016 letter

2016-12-14T10:18:14-07:00December 4th, 2016|Uncategorized|

I hope you noticed I did not send a letter in November. It was a busy month finishing a years’ worth of work. I am proud of all the association members. Each of you in your own way was an important part of the massive success of the 2017 parade. Immediately following the parade, I received positive comments [...]

November/December News

2016-12-14T10:18:14-07:00December 1st, 2016|Uncategorized|

Welcome back! I hope you noticed I did not make an entry for November. It was a busy month finishing a years worth of work. I am proud of all the association members. Each of you in your own way was an important part of the massive success of the 2017 parade. Immediately following the parade I received [...]

2016 Budget

2016-12-14T10:18:14-07:00September 13th, 2016|Uncategorized|

EAST VALLEY VETERANS PARADE ASSN. BUDGET 2016 MARKET VALUE DONATED VALUE EST. NET TO          BE FUNDED ACTUAL SPENT 2015 Notes to myself COM Staffing       15,000            (15,000)                       -                            -    Police/traffic control, grandstands, stages, street sweeping, trash, misc. Mesa ED TV             900                 (900)                       -                            - Equip/Venue Rent & [...]

Treasurer’s Report Sept 2016

2016-12-14T10:18:15-07:00September 13th, 2016|Uncategorized|

Date Description Amount Balance 09-12-2016 BRANCH DEPOSIT 3,500.00 35,589.29 $2500 donation from Albertson/Safeway.  $1000 Phoenix Mesa Gateway Airport 09-12-2016 BRANCH DEPOSIT 500.00 32,089.29 $1000 donation from CVV Transcripts 09-12-2016 BRANCH DEPOSIT 522.00 31,589.29 $22 Reimbursement from Sid.  $500 Donation from Tom Verploegen 09-12-2016 DEBIT  FOR CHECKCARD XXXXXX4825 09/08/16STARBUCKS STORE 23472    MESA         AZ (7.13) 31,067.29 President's [...]

Events Committee

2016-11-03T05:55:45-07:00September 10th, 2016|Uncategorized|

The events committee is a sub committee of the Public relations Committee. There are several events that are attended by the EVVPA as tradition. They are: Falcon Field Open House CAF Open House Celebration of Freedom Constitution Week. These events are traditionally, and the EVVPA obtains many benefits from attending including great exposure, and these [...]

Member News August

2016-12-14T10:18:15-07:00August 17th, 2016|Uncategorized|

Good Morning all; Some of you already know that on September 9th, Friday before our next meeting, we are the ‘Spotlight’ business at the Mesa Chamber event “Mesa Morning Live”. Every Mesa Chamber business gets this promotion in their 1st year in the Chamber. We have received good leads and some great support from the [...]

Member News July 2016

2016-12-14T10:18:15-07:00August 1st, 2016|Uncategorized|

The process of having a parade has begun! Some of the 2016 year sponsors; AZ Veteran services $4,999.00 SRP $2,000 and others have responded with checks. We have some exciting things in the works that will help the parade organization. The most eventful item is we have moved our phone system to a new online  phone app [...]

Member News June

2016-07-03T08:24:37-07:00July 3rd, 2016|Uncategorized|

June flew by and July is here. In June the EVVPA accomplished getting the budget passed. We also have a new committee to organize the potential Marshals for 2016 Parade. Do you want to nominate someone? Provide their information to Theresa for review. During July the committee will identify the Grand, Army, Navy, Marine Corps, [...]

Entries Confirmed

2016-12-14T10:18:15-07:00May 24th, 2016|Uncategorized|

Please do not send to anyone at this time. This is for EVVPA members information only Captain Steve Borden Has agreed to be our Grand Marshall. His Bio is below: Capt. Borden named director of  Pat Tillman Veterans Center December 29, 2011: Captain Steven Borden has been named the director of Pat Tillman Veterans Center, [...]

Member News May 2016

2016-12-14T10:18:15-07:00May 15th, 2016|Uncategorized|

May has not only brought spring flowers, and the summer heat it is the debut of the EVVPA's first association with the Mesa Chamber of Commerce as members. We have made contact with several potential sponsors already. Contacts that may be beneficial in reducing costs and improving our visibility have already reached out. The most [...]

Member News April 2016

2021-03-18T14:51:44-07:00April 21st, 2016|Uncategorized|

April Showers didn't happen, but good things did at the EVVPA. Members approved joining the Mesa Chamber of Commerce for a trial year. We joined as an organization and attended a couple of events. I made several great contacts and established our presence on the Chamber web. We also have a link on our website [...]

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